Our Priorities
We aim to...
Build Community Cohesion
...by giving diverse groups and individuals opportunities to meet together.
Address Deprivation
...by providing facilities and activities for groups who are otherwise under-served.
Embrace Diversity
...by having something to offer to all parts of our community.
Promote Health
...by hosting and initiating groups to support mental and physical health, meet social and physical needs and counter isolation.
Our Vision
We know there is demand for the services we offer, and that we could meet more needs if we had the capacity. We intend to improve our offer so that we become a hub for our community. By doing this, we will also increase our income, enabling us to deliver better services and facilities, and be financially sustainable, without dependence on any single source of funding.
We will know we are successful through the quality of our services and facilities, and the strength of our financial position and governance.